Skoolzy Blog
Building Toys for Preschoolers
Posted by Skoolzy . on
Building toys for preschoolers are exceptional educational toys. As children construct using interlocking bricks, nuts and bolts or wooden blocks, they are using reasoning skills and critical thinking. They are learning about how things work. With trial and error and planning, they are discovering how to build a tower so that it doesn’t collapse, and they are witnessing gravity in action when it does fall down. They are adding wheels so their creation can roll down a ramp, now learning about speed and velocity. With more sophisticated building toys, they may be experimenting with gears, levers and pulleys. They...
Counting Games for Toddlers
Posted by Skoolzy . on
Parents and caregivers help toddlers learn about numbers through every day activities such as counting stairs as they climb up or down. Toddlers are also exploring simple concepts such as understanding that the numeral or word “one” means a single item. These ideas are so important as they build the foundation for future math skills. Learning toys for 2 year olds, such as pegboards for toddlers, can help and so can simple counting games. Here are some counting games for toddlers to have fun with your little one: Make up silly songs with your child as he washes or...
Three Year Olds are Wonderful; Best Toys for 3 Year Olds
Posted by Skoolzy . on
Three year olds are wonderful. While recognizing that children develop at their own pace, three year olds have reached many milestones. They are walking with confidence and able to go up and down stairs. They can communicate and express their emotions. They are able to undress themselves and use cutlery. They are learning about colors and have an awareness of numbers and letters. They are also very creative in their play. So how can parents and caregivers support these kids in their development? One way is to provide toys that are appropriate for this age; these toys will help reinforce...
Why Pegboards are Great for Toddlers
Posted by Skoolzy . on
There is a large variety of pegboards on the market. They may be made of wood or plastic. The pegs may be colorful or black or white. The pegs come in different shapes and sizes. Some pegboards have patterns and others are truly open ended. The premise however is the same. There is a board with holes and the child is encouraged to place pegs into the holes. This may sound rather mundane but there are many opportunities for learning, enjoyment and entertainment. Pegboards for toddlers are particularly designed for small hands and to challenge the developmental level of this...
- Tags: Creative Peg Board Toys, Peg Board with Pattern card, pegboards for toddlers, pegs and pegboard
Learning with Nuts and Bolts for Toddlers
Posted by Skoolzy . on
Nuts and bolts are now toys for toddlers. They are new building blocks for developing fine motor skills, concentration, determination and positive thinking. Made of plastic, they are 100% safe for growing kids. Available in attractive colors, they can keep toddlers engaged for a long time. Let’s see how nuts and bolts for toddlers can help children in learning. Fine Motor Nuts and bolt for toddlers is a great toy to develop fine motor skills. Toddlers will grasp the nuts and bolts and must use eye hand coordination to place a nut onto the bolt. They will need to...