Skoolzy Blog – Tagged "Learning Toys"
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Skoolzy Blog — Learning Toys

How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

Posted by Skoolzy Team on

How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

Want toys that won’t be outgrown in a month? Learn how adaptable educational toys keep kids challenged and engaged through every developmental stage.

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Developmental Milestones 4-5 year olds

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

Developmental Milestones 4-5 year olds

  Let's look at the main developmental milestones for 4 to 5 year olds.  Developmental Milestones: 4 - 5 year olds You've probably noticed that your preschooler loves to be around people and can often display a myriad of emotions in any one given day!  Between the ages of 4-5 years old, these are the milestones you should expect to see: By this age, your child will have started playing more with others and may even have a best friend. They understand how to share and take turns, and will enjoy being social. Four-year-olds have a better understanding of rules and structure, especially those who've...

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The Stacking Frogs are finally here

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

The Stacking Frogs are finally here

After leapfrogging their way around the States, the Stacking Frogs have finally arrived! Little ones can enhance their fine motor development, hand-eye coordination and motor planning as they pick up the frogs using their pincer grip to match the frogs on the lily pads. Your toadlers will have so much fun stacking them up high to build a froggy tower, sorting them by color or into patterns, and using the spinner for a more complex play. Want to know more about the frogs? These rainbow-colored amphibians have taken time away from their lily pads to answer some questions to help you...

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It's Okay to Play With Your Food!

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It's Okay to Play With Your Food!

We've all heard it said "Don't play with your food!" Many of us have even said it to our own children. But the truth is, playing with food is actually a great opportunity for learning, as well as developing strong fine motor skills and pincer grasp. Cognitive Development According to a study of toddler's eating habits out of the University of Iowa, kids who throw, squish, poke, prod, or smash their food are actually learning while they play. The study suggests that messy eaters may be faster and better learners over the long run. Published in the journal Developmental Science, the...

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