Skoolzy Blog – Tagged "learning toys for 2 year olds"
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Skoolzy Blog — learning toys for 2 year olds

How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

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How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

Want toys that won’t be outgrown in a month? Learn how adaptable educational toys keep kids challenged and engaged through every developmental stage.

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Counting Games for Toddlers

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Counting Games for Toddlers

  Parents and caregivers help toddlers learn about numbers through every day activities such as counting stairs as they climb up or down. Toddlers are also exploring simple concepts such as understanding that the numeral or word “one” means a single item. These ideas are so important as they build the foundation for future math skills. Learning toys for 2 year olds, such as pegboards for toddlers, can help and so can simple counting games. Here are some counting games for toddlers to have fun with your little one: Make up silly songs with your child as he washes or...

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