Skoolzy Blog – Tagged "Preschool Toy"
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Skoolzy Blog — Preschool Toy

Pincer Grip―Not Just For Crabs! 30+ Activities Your Kid Should Know Before Preschool!

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Pincer Grip―Not Just For Crabs! 30+ Activities Your Kid Should Know Before Preschool!

What is a Pincer Grip? A pincer grip (or grasp) is a developmental milestone that typically occurs at 9 to 12 months of age. Using the index finger and thumb, or the index finger and middle fingers opposing the thumb, the child is able to pick up small objects and place items in a controlled manner. Why is This Important? A pincer grasp enables the child to feed herself by being able to pick up small bits of food and place food into the mouth with ease. Before this, the child was only able to hold food within the palm after food was "raked" into the palm by the fingers. The pincer...

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