Skoolzy Blog — color matching
Linking Heart Activity for V-Day
Posted by Skoolzy . on
SHARE THE LOVE! A quick fine motor activity to do with your preschooler! This heart activity works for Valentine’s Day or any day to show you care. SUPPLIES YOU WILL NEED: 1 sheet of cardstock paper Pair of scissors Crayon/pencil/marker A Set of Links Hole Puncher PLAY IDEAS: Cut different shapes – stars, squares Sort the links by color as you put them in Count the links We hope you and your little ones enjoy!
- Tags: color matching, color sorting, counters, counting, fine motor skills, fine motor skills toys, link, linking, links, math manipulatives, Valentine's Day
A Beary Happy Valentine's Day Fine Motor Activity
Posted by Skoolzy . on
Have a Beary Happy Valentine's Day! Bear-y Hearts is a simple and fun Valentine’s Day activity that you can do with your kids. It is a great opportunity for children to develop their fine motor skills while you spend some quality time together. We love this activity because it incorporates so many fine motor activities all in one project that is fun for both toddlers who may need more assistance and for preschool age children who can do it all by themselves. You get to cut, count, match sort and so much more! For the homeschool, you can integrate...