Skoolzy Blog — shape identifiation
23 Activities to Prepare Your Toddler for Success in Handwriting
Posted by Skoolzy . on
Research indicates mastery of these fine motor skills will help your child have an easier time learning handwriting!
- Tags: alphabet lacing blocks, bead, child development, color recognition, counting bears, cups, eggs, fine motor skill, hand writing, handwriting, lacing board, linking blocks, math links, nuts and bolts, preschool, preschooler, shape identifiation, shape recognition, sort, technology, toddler toys
Easter Chick Craft Activity - GIVEAWAY! - Easy & Quick Fun for Toddlers & Preschoolers.
Posted by Skoolzy . on
Part of Easter is about celebrating new life - farm animals, little ducks, and baby chicks, to name a few. What better way to appreciate this, but to create cute baby chicks with your toddler or preschooler. Model your own creativity and fine motor skills. Enter today to win this Skoolzy craft giveaway! This activity comes with a handful of Skoolzy Egg Basic Shapes and Colors plus enough craft elements to make 2 cute fuzzy baby chicks. Here is what the winner will receive: 1. Chick plate2. Easter eggs3. Cute, fuzzy pom poms to be made into chicks4. Four...