Skoolzy Blog – Tagged "educational games for toddlers"
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Skoolzy Blog — educational games for toddlers

How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

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How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

Want toys that won’t be outgrown in a month? Learn how adaptable educational toys keep kids challenged and engaged through every developmental stage.

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Developmental Milestones 3-4 year olds

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

Developmental Milestones 3-4 year olds

  Let's look at the main developmental milestones for 3 to 4 years old.  Developmental Milestones: 3 - 4 years This is a wonderful age for you and your preschooler as you can kiss goodbye to the "terrible twos" and hello to the adorable 3s! Your chatterboxes will become more social, and more inquisitive. Buckle up, this is the age of the "why" questions!   Between the ages of 3-4 years, these are the milestones you should expect to see: By 3, your preschoolers are usually able to take turns in games and show affection to their friends.  They have a better understanding of what is “his”...

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It's a Puzzle! How Puzzles Help Prepare Your Child For School!

Posted by Skoolzy . on

It's a Puzzle! How Puzzles Help Prepare Your Child For School!

  BENEFITS OF PLAYING WITH PUZZLES From childhood through adulthood we love to play with puzzles. We like the way they challenge our thinking and exercise our minds. Table puzzles are popular because they provide satisfaction, enjoyment, and an opportunity for children to focus on an activity that has an ending. Puzzles are also an important educational learning tool for toddlers and young children as they provide many skills, mental learning benefits, and opportunities. Children often start with puzzles of simple knobbed pieces of cardboard or foam to outlines of simple shapes that fit into corresponding board cutouts. Puzzles gain complexity...

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Easter Chick Craft Activity - GIVEAWAY! - Easy & Quick Fun for Toddlers & Preschoolers.

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Easter Chick Craft Activity - GIVEAWAY! - Easy & Quick Fun for Toddlers & Preschoolers.

  Part of Easter is about celebrating new life - farm animals, little ducks, and baby chicks, to name a few. What better way to appreciate this, but to create cute baby chicks with your toddler or preschooler. Model your own creativity and fine motor skills. Enter today to win this Skoolzy craft giveaway! This activity comes with a handful of Skoolzy Egg Basic Shapes and Colors plus enough craft elements to make 2 cute fuzzy baby chicks. Here is what the winner will receive:  1. Chick plate2. Easter eggs3. Cute, fuzzy pom poms to be made into chicks4. Four...

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Easter Egg Memory Match Game for Toddlers & Preschoolers

Posted by Skoolzy . on

Easter Egg Memory Match Game for Toddlers & Preschoolers

Excerpt: Skoolzy's Easter Egg Memory Match is a great activity to help improve your toddler's hand dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and color recognition while having fun!

toddler toys, toddler, Skoolzy, preschool, pre school, pre-school, preschooler, occupational therapy, OC, Montessori, activity, dexterity, color recognition, patterns, Easter, Spring, egg, eggs, video, shapes, colors, hand-eye coordination, hand eye coordination, critical thinking, Skoolzy's

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