Skoolzy Blog – Tagged "educational Preschool Toys"
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Skoolzy Blog — educational Preschool Toys

How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

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How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

Want toys that won’t be outgrown in a month? Learn how adaptable educational toys keep kids challenged and engaged through every developmental stage.

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Counting Toys for 2 Year Olds - More Than Just for Counting

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Counting Toys for 2 Year Olds - More Than Just for Counting

When I was a preschool teacher many years ago I would use one toy in many different ways. This was for several reasons. One, it was economic. Two, it encouraged children to try new experiences. Three, it added variety to the play. Four, toys used in different settings enhance different skills. This is not brilliant in any manner. Children do this naturally. If you give a child a small cardboard box it may become a mouse house or a treasure chest or a boat or decorated like aflower. Many counting toys for 2 year olds can be versatile in this...

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Pincer Grip―Not Just For Crabs! 30+ Activities Your Kid Should Know Before Preschool!

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Pincer Grip―Not Just For Crabs! 30+ Activities Your Kid Should Know Before Preschool!

What is a Pincer Grip? A pincer grip (or grasp) is a developmental milestone that typically occurs at 9 to 12 months of age. Using the index finger and thumb, or the index finger and middle fingers opposing the thumb, the child is able to pick up small objects and place items in a controlled manner. Why is This Important? A pincer grasp enables the child to feed herself by being able to pick up small bits of food and place food into the mouth with ease. Before this, the child was only able to hold food within the palm after food was "raked" into the palm by the fingers. The pincer...

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It's Okay to Play With Your Food!

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It's Okay to Play With Your Food!

We've all heard it said "Don't play with your food!" Many of us have even said it to our own children. But the truth is, playing with food is actually a great opportunity for learning, as well as developing strong fine motor skills and pincer grasp. Cognitive Development According to a study of toddler's eating habits out of the University of Iowa, kids who throw, squish, poke, prod, or smash their food are actually learning while they play. The study suggests that messy eaters may be faster and better learners over the long run. Published in the journal Developmental Science, the...

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Easter Chick Craft Activity - GIVEAWAY! - Easy & Quick Fun for Toddlers & Preschoolers.

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Easter Chick Craft Activity - GIVEAWAY! - Easy & Quick Fun for Toddlers & Preschoolers.

  Part of Easter is about celebrating new life - farm animals, little ducks, and baby chicks, to name a few. What better way to appreciate this, but to create cute baby chicks with your toddler or preschooler. Model your own creativity and fine motor skills. Enter today to win this Skoolzy craft giveaway! This activity comes with a handful of Skoolzy Egg Basic Shapes and Colors plus enough craft elements to make 2 cute fuzzy baby chicks. Here is what the winner will receive:  1. Chick plate2. Easter eggs3. Cute, fuzzy pom poms to be made into chicks4. Four...

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