Skoolzy Blog – Tagged "developmental milestones"
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Skoolzy Blog — developmental milestones

How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

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How do I choose toys that offer multi-level learning and adapt as my child grows?

Want toys that won’t be outgrown in a month? Learn how adaptable educational toys keep kids challenged and engaged through every developmental stage.

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5 Main Areas of Child Development

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

5 Main Areas of Child Development

What is child development? As children get older, they develop in various different ways which cover physical, intellectual, social and emotional changes. It's the process that every child goes through and includes everything from physical skills such as sitting and standing, to social and emotional skills such as smiling or forming relationships with others. How your child behaves, thinks, moves, and speaks are big clues about his development. Every child progresses at their own pace but there are certain skills they should each by a certain age, and these are known as developmental milestones. The early years are the most important time to start building a...

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Developmental Milestones 8-12 months

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

Developmental Milestones 8-12 months

Let's look at the main developmental milestones for 8 to 12-month-olds.  Developmental Milestones: 8 - 12 month olds Now that your baby is becoming super mobile, it's time to watch out!  From around 8 - 12 months, these are the milestones you should expect to see: They’re on the move as they crawl or scoot on their bottom or creep around on their tummy. Time to be careful, as that means they can now reach and grab objects and put them in their mouth! You might see them rocking back and forth on all fours – that’s them building their muscles...

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Early Childhood Development: Social and Emotional Skills

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Early Childhood Development: Social and Emotional Skills

Areas of Child Development: Social and Emotional (Socioemotional) Skills These refer to a child's ability to interact with others, and to understand and manage his feelings and emotions. Examples of socioemotional skills are empathy, sympathy, recognizing and expressing feelings, and the ability to relate to others. These skills begin in early childhood – from birth, as they interact with their caregivers and form emotional attachments - and will continue growing throughout adulthood. Babies show signs of socioemotional growth by smiling at you when he sees you, waving goodbye when someone leaves, sharing his toys with his sibling, even showing anxiety around strangers...

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Developmental Milestones: Birth to 4 months

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Developmental Milestones: Birth to 4 months

Let's look at the main developmental milestones for birth to 4 months old.  Developmental Milestones: 0 - 4 months As they grow from being tiny helpless babies unable to lift their own head, you’ll see changes in them almost daily, right from birth. From around 0-4 months, these are the milestones you should expect to see: From just a few weeks old, they'll be able to lift up their head and chest a little when on their tummy and move their whole body as they squirm and wiggle around.  By two months, they can start to recognize familiar faces at a...

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