After leapfrogging their way around the States, the Stacking Frogs have finally arrived!
Little ones can enhance their fine motor development, hand-eye coordination and motor planning as they pick up the frogs using their pincer grip to match the frogs on the lily pads.
Your toadlers will have so much fun stacking them up high to build a froggy tower, sorting them by color or into patterns, and using the spinner for a more complex play.
Want to know more about the frogs? These rainbow-colored amphibians have taken time away from their lily pads to answer some questions to help you get to know them a little better.
Who are you favorite artists?
Toad: Snoop Frog and Gwen Stefroggy
What's you favorite music?
Lily: Hip Hop and Hopera
Who are you favorite actors?
Croaky: Anthony Hopkins and Dennis Hopper
Do you have a favorite food?
Hopscotch: Yes, lolihops!
What's your favorite restaurant?
Ribbit, iHop, their pancakes make great lily pads!
What's your favorite movie?
Kermit: The Frog Father and A Bug's Life
And lastly, what's your favorite joke?
Frogger: What's a frog's least favorite types of shoes?
Click here for more on how the Stacking Frogs can help your child learn though play and to purchase.