Why Pegboards are Great for Toddlers
Posted by Skoolzy . on
There is a large variety of pegboards on the market. They may be made of wood or plastic. The pegs may be colorful or black or white. The pegs come in different shapes and sizes. Some pegboards have patterns and others are truly open ended. The premise however is the same. There is a board with holes and the child is encouraged to place pegs into the holes. This may sound rather mundane but there are many opportunities for learning, enjoyment and entertainment. Pegboards for toddlers are particularly designed for small hands and to challenge the developmental level of this age group.
This toy has several advantages for toddlers:
1# Eye hand coordination and fine motor control
Pegboards for toddlers provide the chance to enhance eye hand coordination and fine motor control. The toddler must grasp the peg and successfully place it in a small hole. Some pegboard sets, such as Sloolzy.com, have stackable pegs with the added challenge of manipulating pegs one on top of the other.
2# Color recognition
Most pegboard sets for toddlers are bright and colorful. This enhances color recognition and identification.
3# Early math skills
Pegboards for toddlers are excellent tools to teach early math skills such as matching and sorting. Toddlers will make patterns and place pegs in sequence. They may practice one to one correspondence and counting. These are foundation skills needed for future learning.
4# Concentration and determination
Toddlers enjoy the challenge of successfully manipulating the pegs into the board. They need to focus on the task which increases concentration. Their achievement will encourage persistence and determination.Peg boards for toddlers also extends independent play.
5# Vocabulary
There is vast opportunity for kids to increase their vocabulary when playing with pegboards for toddlers. With adult guidance they may learn geometric shapes, color recognition, counting and terms such as more or less.
6# Multiple activities
Independently and with adult guidance peg boards for toddlers can be used for many different activities. Kids can sort the pegs by color or shape. They can make their own patterns or match provided images. They can stack them into towers. The pegs can be counted and placed into matching colored cups.
Peg boards for toddlers are a simple toy which provides multiple occasions for learning. High quality sets are durable and washable, and are just the right size for toddler hands.
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- Tags: Creative Peg Board Toys, Peg Board with Pattern card, pegboards for toddlers, pegs and pegboard