Indoor Egg Hunting Activities for Kids – Skoolzy
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Indoor Egg Hunting Activities for Kids

Posted by Skoolzy . on

easter eggs    toddler activities


Spring is just around the corner, as well as Easter too. We would really love to be out and about but now that most of us are stuck indoors.

Here are 12 ideas you can do indoors.

What’s fun about these activities is that you can find almost everything you need at home. Simple, fun and educational. Just what you need in times like these.

Save your eggs and a trip to the grocery store with the Skoolzy Egg Shapes

Indoor Egg Hunting Ideas


1. Hop Hop Hop

It’s the traditional Easter egg hunt with a twist by making the kids hop, rather than just walking around, to find the eggs. It makes the activity a bit more challenging and fun.


2. Memory Matching Game

Check out this idea on one of our previous blogs, Easter Egg Memory Match Game.

Basically you just need the basic egg shapes and colors, your memory and your hands!

This game is not only fun to play with but also a great way for your kids to recognize shapes and colors.


3. Hunt by Color

Split the eggs into 2 piles.  1 half goes to pile one and the other into pile 2.  Divide the eggs in pile 1 amongst the number of kids  and hide the egg halves in Pile 2.   This activity not only promotes color recognition but also cooperation between your kids. They can help each other and encourage each other to find the color assigned to them.

Trade Anyone?

4. Egg Hunter  -- Hot or Cold?

This game helps children (Hunter) refine their listening skills and learn the idea of opposites.  It is just simple hot and cold egg hunt. Hide your eggs or one egg in a way that is fun, yet challenging for your child’s age.

Then, you can direct Hunter that they are moving away from the hidden object by saying "colder." If they keep moving in the wrong direction, words that indicate degrees of cold, such as "freezing" or "icy."

Tell the Hunter that they are getting closer to the hidden object by saying "hot", "hotter." As they move closer, say "burning" or "scorching."

 5. Parachuting Eggs

This game is fun and simple and doesn’t really need a lot of things. All you need is a parachute, or you can use a bed sheet or a picnic cloth and the plastic eggs and one golden egg. This game is better with siblings or friends.

Start the game with the traditional egg hunt. The kid who finds the golden egg gets to pick first of the prize box. Once all eggs are found, put the eggs along with the golden egg into the center of the parachute. The child who found the golden egg calls out to the next person who should find the golden egg. No one else is allowed to find it. Shake the parachute, then let them run and find all the eggs. Once all the eggs are found including the golden egg, then let the kid pick a prize. Then do it all over again until the last kid has a chance to find the golden egg.

No golden eggs in your at home arsenal?  Wrap one of the eggs in tin foil  and voila you have a Silver Egg!

 6. Egg Scavenger Hunt

For this game, write simple clues that points to the next location, or draw pictures for non-readers on slips of paper that you can put inside the eggs. Then, let the egg scavenger hunt begin. Let your kids work together to solve clues of the next location in order to find the hidden eggs.


 7. Kids in Charge

Let your kids hide the eggs.  This is fun and lets your child have the sense of responsibility. Instead of you doing the hiding, it lets your child exercise their leadership skills and ownership. 

(hopefully they will remember all the crazy places they think of to hide the eggs)

8. Hide and Seek Egg Hunt in the Dark

Kids LOVE hide and seek!  Turn it up a notch by doing it in the dark.

treasure hunt for toddlers

This is a fun game the whole family can play. It’s simple. The usual egg hunt game you have known but do it in the dark. Then, armed with flashlights let your kids hunt and search for the eggs.


 9. Lucky Number 6

Let’s say that you are hiding 10 eggs. On a stack of paper, number it 1-10. Choose a number to be the lucky one, let’s say 6. Let your kids find the eggs one at a time. As one child finds an egg, she should grab one slip of paper that is on top. The kid who finds the 6th egg gets a prize.


 10. Action Easter Egg Hunt

Make a list of physical exercise activity (10 squats, 5 jumping jacks, etc). Look  up our post on Instagram and Facebook for ideas.

Then let your kids find an egg. One surrendered egg is equivalent to one activity. Then find the next ones. Remember for each surrendered egg your child should complete one activity until the last egg.


 10. Lucky Shape

Let’s say that you are hiding Skoolzy Color Egg Match. On a stack of paper, write the different shapes of the eggs. Choose a shape to be the lucky one, let’s say the circle. Let your kids find the eggs one at a time. As one child finds an egg, she should grab one slip of paper that is on top. The kid who finds the lucky shape gets a prize. (a hug)

 egg shapes

 11. Action Easter Egg Hunt

Make a list of physical exercise activity (10 squats, 5 jumping jacks, etc). Look  up our post on Instagram and Facebook for ideas.

Then let your kids find an egg. One surrendered egg is equivalent to one activity. Then find the next ones. Remember for each surrendered egg your child should complete one activity until the last egg.

What do you think of our suggestions? Does it sound fun and educational? Let us know what you think and what else you come up with.

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