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Skoolzy Blog

How To Avoid Morning Mayhem

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

How To Avoid Morning Mayhem

Getting kids up and ready in the mornings can be a real struggle. Some kids bounce out of bed as happy as clams, others need to be dragged out of bed kicking and screaming, others will then practically sleepwalk through their morning routines, zombie-mode!   If your child fits in the “jumps out of bed, gets ready in a flash, chomps down their breakfast without a complaint” category, then stop reading, you’re got this (but give us your address so we can send our kids to you each morning). If that doesn’t describe your morning scenario, then not to worry,...

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Tips For First Day Of School

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

Tips For First Day Of School

The first day of daycare, preschool, kindergarten can be very daunting for both the parent and the child. With summer break coming to an end, many families will be feeling a mix of emotions. With a little help, we can try to make the transition a little easier for you.  Here are our top tips to help with first day jitters! Get a school routine going from the start. Kids really benefit from a routine as it helps them to understand what to expect next, increases self-confidence, and builds healthy habits for the future. It'd be great to implement it a...

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Road Trips With Kids - Top Tips

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

Road Trips With Kids - Top Tips

Whether you’re planning a vacation or a staycation, kids and road trips don’t always go hand in hand! Here are some tips to make your road trip a success:   Top 6 Tips For A Road Trip With Kids   1: Snacks We all like to snack when we’re bored! Kids are no different. Make sure you pack some snacks to keep your kids satisfied and occupied. When my kids were little, I used to give them a small apple or a banana – it took them forever to eat and it was relatively mess-free, healthy, and filling!     2. Nap Time...

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Parenting Tip of The Week - Less Is More

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

Parenting Tip of The Week - Less Is More

   With information so readily available at the touch of a button, we can find out everything we need to know about any given subject in a matter of clicks. First-time parents especially tend to devour every parenting book, blog, website, and forum. We equip ourselves with all the information that we think we’ll need and then some. Every cry is analyzed, every poop is discussed, every feed is noted. But sometimes less is more. Sure, read the books, ask others for advice but it’s so easy to get overwhelmed with information.   Ask 100 people for advice and you’ll get...

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Parenting Tip of The Week - You’ve Got A Friend In Me

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

Parenting Tip of The Week - You’ve Got A Friend In Me

When we think back to the adults in our lives who had the biggest impact on us as children - what kind of people were they? If you can recall your student days (admittedly, some of mine are a bit of a blur!) which teachers did you like the best? Do you remember your favorite relative or family friend was growing up? For me, the people I remember the best were those who taught by example and were full of patience.   They modeled what needed to be done and never talked down to me. They did not harp on about my...

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