Top Tips For Trick Or Treating in 2021
Posted by Amanda Jacobs on
Ideas for Halloween 2021 - COVID-friendly Trick Or Treating
Families everywhere are coming up with a host of original ideas to keep Halloween fun and safe this year. Below are some fun ideas for those wanting to give out candy this year: Also check out our top tips for some At Home Halloween Fun!
Hosting Trick Or Treating Events

Socially Distanced Candy Sticks!
Tack candy onto some sticks and put them into the ground in your front yard - a fun way to hand out candy from a distance!
Pre-Bagged Goodies
Set up a table in your front yard with individual bags of candy so that kids can just swing by and pick up (no contact). You can sit 6ft away, on your porch, and enjoy the scene from afar!
A Candy Shoot
Make a candy slide out of a PVC pipe to run from one end of your yard (or from a window) down to the other (and decorate it with lights or paint it with day glow or glow in the dark paint for extra effect!). When a trick or treater comes along, shoot a piece of candy down the slide, directly into their bucket - a fun way to keep your distance while giving out candy!
String 'em Up
Place string lights across your yard or from your garage. Attach candy to the string with little pegs so kids can do a grab and go!
Trunk or Treat
Host a trunk or treat event - where a bunch of people from the neighborhood decorate their cars (instead of their houses). Each car can be parked at a distance from one another and kids can go from trunk to trunk picking out candy, while the adults can take a seat (6ft away) and enjoy the night!
Candy-Filled Balloon
Place small pieces of candy into balloons, blow them up and attach them to some string. Each trick or treater can then take away a candy filled balloon! A great way to keep the candy free from germs and the balloon makes an extra gift for the kids!
Outdoor Parade
Set up a social distanced parade around the neighborhood - find fun ways to incorporate face masks into your costumes!

Planning on Going Trick Or Treating?

Check out our infographic below with a few top tips to keep your Halloween fun and safe!

No matter what your plans are for Halloween this year, have fun, get creative, and most of all, stay safe!