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Skoolzy Blog — gross motor development

Developmental Milestones 3-4 year olds

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

Developmental Milestones 3-4 year olds

  Let's look at the main developmental milestones for 3 to 4 years old.  Developmental Milestones: 3 - 4 years This is a wonderful age for you and your preschooler as you can kiss goodbye to the "terrible twos" and hello to the adorable 3s! Your chatterboxes will become more social, and more inquisitive. Buckle up, this is the age of the "why" questions!   Between the ages of 3-4 years, these are the milestones you should expect to see: By 3, your preschoolers are usually able to take turns in games and show affection to their friends.  They have a better understanding of what is “his”...

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Early Child Development: Gross Motor Skills

Posted by Amanda Jacobs on

Early Child Development: Gross Motor Skills

Areas of Child Development: Gross Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills refer to the physical skills needed to make large body movements i.e. the large muscles, specifically the head, neck, arms, and legs. It's the movement of your arms, legs or torso in a coordinated and controlled way.   The first example of a child developing his gross motor skills is at around 3-4 months when he raises his head when pulled into a sitting position, followed by him rolling over. Each stage of gross motor skill development leads to the next, as they strengthen the necessary muscles and bones to help them progress from rolling over...

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Quick Toddler Workout

Posted by Skoolzy . on

Keep your little ones active with this quick exercise routine that packs a punch! Get the brain juices flowing!

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